One Who Open a School, close a prison.
Thanks for being teacher on selfstudypoint. We really appreciate your decision and heartily thanks you for being with us in this noble cause.
Some simple steps to add your content
There is some steps that you need to follow to add your course. We assure you that these steps will simple and easy to go through.
Adding a course
You need login to admin area using your login details. You can login here.
Login to your WP-Admin > LearnPress here you can see list to your courses. Like below image.

To add new course click on Add New button.

I think go get many things from image, but let me explain futher.
Add Course Name to give a name to your course. Add some Introduction about your course so that student can get idea about the course and know what they will be going to learn from this course.
In Curriculum section, your lectures will be added there. Here you can categories your course into sub-part or lessons, so that it will easy to everyone.

Adding lesson is also quite easy. You can group multiple lesson into on topic and add description about topic.
On click Create a new lesson, new lesson will be created as the title you specified. Here only lesson name can be added. To add content to lesson, click on pencil icon, which will be visible on hover. If you want to delete a lesson, simple click on delete icon.
The eye icon name content available for public. If you click on eye icon, lesson content will be visible to student without enroll to course. This will be helpful to introduce your teach ability so that student can get idea.
In feature image section, you can add a image for you courses. It will help to attract students.
To add/edit content of a lesson, you need to click on pencil icon and lesson will open in new tab. Here you can add lesson content. In lesson settings section you can describe how time it will take to go through the lesson. Preview Lesson do the same thing that eye icon does.
After adding your content you need to update/save the lesson.
Once you found that your course is completed, you can request for publish the course for student. Which will be approved by our team.

We think, UI is quite simple and easy to understand. Our team work on this for further enhancements for better user experience.
Still you have any issue, please feel free to contact us.